Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vote NO on Amendment 4

no on 4 florida amendment 4

Amendment 4 or the misnomer as it was known by, Hometown Democracy, if passed would have Floridians vote on every proposed change to the comprehensive plans for each city and county. Just the fact of the voting alone and the cost of such is major onus. To give you an idea of what this might entail, in the City of Orlando, there are approximately 500 changes in 2009.

A plan very similar to Amendment 4 was tried in St. Petersburg to devastating effects including continued litigation that is costing the taxpayers plenty. Even the former mayor stated that “_it resulted in confusion for the voters and a lot of extra costs_.”

I won’t deny that the premise of giving the power to the people is well intentioned, but this is why we elect our officials. Besides, Amendment 4 is poorly written in that it does not address the issues of hospitals, schools, fire & police stations as these would also have to be voted upon, delaying construction until approved at the next election.

This is in addition to the fact that Amendment 4 would cost jobs, raise taxes and further hurt Florida’s economy.

Floridians for Responsible Policy opposes Amendment 4 and feels that it will empower special interests.

Vote No on 4 is being championed by the Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy, Inc.


For information on Orlando real estate and Orlando homes for sale in addition to Orlando relocation contact Marc Grossman, your Greater Orlando Area Realtor @ 407-463-1034.  Additional information is available for Seminole County real estate, Orange County real estate, West Volusia County and South Lake County.

To learn more about Marc and the services he has to offer, visit his website.

Marc Grossman, GRI  -  http://www.OrlandoHomes-4u.com/ -  407-463-1034

You can read Marc’s other blogs Real Estate Morsels, Real Estate Off The Leash & Real Estate Cracker

Marc donates 10% of his net proceeds to Hospice of the Comforter.

Marc It Sold!

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